10 Things You Can Do To Keep Your Family Safe in a Hurricane

Hurricanes cause countless property damage and endanger thousands of lives every year. Many times, it isn’t the hurricane itself that endangers people; it’s the accompanying flooding, mudslides, and power outages. If you live in an area that’s prone to hurricanes or flooding, it’s a good idea to prepare accordingly. Hurricane season typically starts are the […]
Should you install your own propane appliances, or let a professional handle it?

Installing a new propane stove, tankless water heater or clothes dryer may seem like a relatively easy project, but, in fact, it’s a big responsibility. It’s always a good idea to leave installation of any propane appliance to the professionals—and ThompsonGas is here to help. When It Comes to Propane Appliance Installation, Safety First When […]
Five Uses for Propane You Didn’t Know About

While you may be up to speed with all the tremendous benefits available when using propane to fuel your home, vehicles and appliances, we bet there’s a few uses for propane that you may have never considered. In fact, we’re ready to reveal five of them right now! Curious? Then let’s get started! #5. Zambonis […]
Propane 101: Everything You Need To Know

What is propane? Propane is a clean-burning energy source known as liquefied petroleum gas, LP gas, or LPG. It is nontoxic, colorless, and virtually odorless. The rotten egg odor comes from mercaptan, which is added to the propane so it can be readily detected by smell. Propane is a hydrocarbon (specifically, C3H8 for the chemistry […]
15 Quick and Fascinating Facts About Propane

Propane is one of the most versatile, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly fuel sources in the world. Propane is an interesting fuel that emerged early in the 20th Century as an alternative fuel source that could be stored easily. In 1911, Dr. Snelling discovered a way to bottle evaporated gases and by the following year, propane […]
Four Easy Ways to Cut Down On Your Hot Water Energy Bills

Have you ever looked at your residential power bill and wondered how you could save more? If the answer to that question is yes, then keep reading. Did you know that a QUARTER of the money an average household spends on energy bills comes from heating water? That’s right! Heating your water for your bath […]
What’s Better Than a Warm Propane Fireplace on a Cold Winter Day?

There’s no better time than now to consider propane for home heating. With a cold, long winter literally right around the corner, a gas fireplace or insert will keep your family comfortable, safe and warm. At ThompsonGas, our residential propane gas fireplaces are both practical and pleasing to the eyes, plus you can choose from different styles, designs and quality brands […]
How To Prepare Your Home In Advance for Winter

Even though temperatures may not be bad when you’re reading this, you know how it goes– colder temperatures of fall and winter show up in the blink of an eye. It’s not too early to start preparing for colder weather. The steps you take now can help you be prepared for the next coming winter. […]
5 Tips To Stay Extra Warm This Winter On a Budget

While we all love a good snow day and hot cocoa, winter also often means high heating bills. Luckily, by choosing propane for home heating, you have plenty of options to help you save energy and money this winter! Keep reading to find out just a few tips for keeping your tootsies and house warm […]