Teaching Your Kids About Propane

Next time you’re checking out your propane tank or getting a propane gas delivery, consider taking the opportunity to talk to your kids about propane and what it does for your home and the environment!  With over 60 million homes in the U.S. utilizing propane, it’s crucial that good safety habits are adopted at a young age! By taking the time to teach your children about propane and propane safety, you are ensuring that fewer preventable accidents will occur. You’re never too young to start learning, and hands-on experiences are a great way to bond with your little ones while also teaching them some lifelong lessons! Here are some great resources to get you started.

Introduce Your Children To PropaneKids.com

If you have children, regardless of their age, you’ve learned quite a bit about what it means to be a parent. When it comes to teaching something new to a child, chances are you realized the old adage that “show, don’t tell” yields the best results. Yes, you can talk until you’re blue in the face regarding a new concept, but as soon as you visually show them the same material you attempted to describe their eyes come alive with recognition!

Understanding this, our friends over at the Propane Education & Research Council created an imaginative website PropaneKids.com geared toward children, teaching them propane safety lessons as well as how beneficial this amazing fuel source really is.

Children of all ages will enjoy playing the farm-themed online games and activities that were specially designed to teach your children:

What Exactly Is Propane?
• Where Does Propane Come From?
• How Do We Use Propane In Our Daily Lives?
• How Can Recognize A Propane Leak By Smell?
• What Do You Do In Case Of An Emergency?

With over 60 million households utilizing propane in the United States alone—and that number is growing—it’s imperative that everyone in your home understands as much as they can about this popular alternative fuel. Hundreds of our ThompsonGas family of customers have logged in, helping their kids find easy to understand propane questions and answers.

The good people at the Propane Education & Research Council made PropaneKids.com as easy to use as possible, with games, activities and fun downloads for children of various ages. Teachers and parents can easily find the proper lessons segregated into three different levels. There is even a page dedicated to classroom specific activities as well as student packets for teachers to download, all free of charge!

Energy Kids

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) has created an amazing online resource Energy Kids for teachers and parents to use when teaching kids about energy sources. They have energy calculators, information on the history of energy, and even an awesome Activity Book with fun ideas for hands-on learning activities!

If you’re looking for a trusted propane supplier, or you just want to learn more about propane and its uses, visit or contact your local office to speak to a ThompsonGas Representative today.


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