Building a Propane-Powered New Home

If you’re working with a homebuilder to design and build your dream home, then you know how hefty the to-do list can be. Almost overwhelming. While you focus on building the foundation, what size windows to order, and what color flooring to choose; let’s make the decision of what kind of furnace and home-heating source to use an easy one! Here are some interesting facts about propane home heating and why it’s the BEST choice for your newly built home and your family!

A lot of work has gone into the construction of your new home. You spent countless hours deciding on the perfect floor plan to meet your specific needs.  All of the homework has been performed to ensure you were building in your ideal community.  To say you were diligent in choosing a General Contractor would be a tremendous understatement and of course you have your financing already secured. But did you consider how you are going to fuel your new dream house?

Besides offering exceptional energy savings and comfort at an affordable cost, a residential high-efficiency furnace can also provide excellent space heating for both small floor plans and large homes! By choosing to heat your home with propane, you are choosing the safest, affordable, effective, and environmentally friendly solution which is why high-efficiency propane furnaces are quickly becoming more and more popular in the United States!

There’s never a better time to realize the full benefits of utilizing propane to power your home, especially when you’ve yet to break ground!  Speak with your homebuilder and let them know you’re interested in the efficiency and savings provide by propane.

Energy Efficiency

We already mentioned that propane furnaces are extremely energy efficient, but let us elaborate on exactly how efficient they can really be! Most residential propane furnaces are rated anywhere between 90%-98% efficient. That’s more than a typical oil furnace which generally rate at 70-90% efficient. When you take the extra step and install a propane furnace that is Energy Star certified, you can expect to receive even higher efficiency than electric heat pumps! Additionally, propane furnaces have easier upkeep and maintain their value and efficiency better than electric heat pumps. Add to that the occasional tax credits available for new construction homes and you can really see the outstanding value that accompanies propane heating solutions!

Lower Energy, Lower Cost!

There are many variables including the location and size of your new home, the height of the ceilings, and whether or not you enjoy being bundled up all winter that effect your homes personal propane usage per month. Generally, warmer climates and summer months will use fewer gallons of propane annually, but regardless of how much propane you are using, recent studies indicate that an Energy Star certified furnace in new (and existing) homes can save you hundreds of dollars when compared to comparable furnaces operating on oil! Plus, there are plenty of ways to save money on propane! Ask your local ThompsonGas about propane home delivery and budget plans!

The Environment will Thank You!

Propane is considered a clean-burning alternative energy source, meaning it leaves little contamination in the environment where it is consumed! For those of you who like numbers, propane produces 38% less emissions than oil. In fact, propane is removed from the atmosphere faster than it can have an effect on the climate. Compared to most other systems, propane furnaces can not only save you money, it will also reduce your carbon footprint by reducing CO2 emissions.

Propane Performance can’t be Surpassed!

Propane furnaces deliver best-in-class efficiency with many models delivering AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) ratings of 95%. A well-made, professionally installed propane furnace will heat the home steadily and comfortably while delivering significantly warmer temperatures when compared to traditional electric heat pumps. Add to this they are regarded to have a longer life span than other types of home heating solutions, ranging on average anywhere from 15 to 20 years—that’s as much as 10 years longer than a run-of-the-mill electric heat pump!

The U.S. Department of Energy has stated heating a home with propane can be more cost effective than electricity for multiple reasons.  Propane heat is actually hotter than heat produced from typical electric heaters. More savings are evident when the lifetime of electric heat pumps are considered compared to longer lasting propane furnaces.  Additionally, if you plan on relying solely on electric heat, what is your contingency plan in the event of a power outage?

Save On Your Hot Water Bill With Tankless Water Heaters

Technology has come a long way since the first cumbersome hot water tank was installed. New, tankless water heaters fueled by propane are not only much smaller in size, saving you valuable living space, but are also able to provide consistent hot water cheaper than traditional methods!

Cooking With Propane

Ovens, cooktops, and grills operate much more efficiently when powered by propane.  Propane burners cook more evenly and cool much faster than other cooking methods, making propane not only the logically affordable choice, but also potentially less risky when it comes to accidental burns.

Propane Powered Standby Generators

Installing a propane-powered generator can keep your lights on and refrigerator running during power outages produced by a variety of storms and accidents.  Investing in a standby generator fueled by propane is a wise idea, even for existing properties.

“But I Don’t Want A Bulky Propane Tank In My Backyard!”

Keep in mind, propane containers can be installed underground, totally out of view, especially if you make the decision to utilize propane before your home is built.  There are also several options for propane tank placement that allows existing homeowners the opportunity to reap the amazing benefits available from propane fuel.

If you are looking for a trusted propane supplier, have any questions regarding utilizing propane for your new construction home, or would like more information on how to retrofit your current property to operate on propane, simply call ThompsonGas at 1.800.768.6612. One of our skilled representatives will be happy to answer all of your questions.


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