National Propane Day is around the corner!

October 7th, 2024 is National Propane Day and we at ThompsonGas want to give thanks to all of our customers who we have the privilege of serving across the country. To show our thanks we encourage all of you to enter our National Propane Day Giveaway.


The Prize?

Yes, You're Reading That Correct!

Lucky customers will win FREE gas for a year!

To be eligible:

You must have an account set-up in our online customer portal, MyEnergyHub. In addition, you must have a valid email address and payment method saved on file. Customers that check these 4 boxes will automatically be entered into the giveaway and winners will be selected and contacted the week of September 30th, 2024.

If you’re a ThompsonGas customer and you haven’t created an account on MyEnergyHub or don’t have the above information stored in your MyEnergyHub account, not to worry. Here’s your chance to register! Just click on the button below and follow the instructions. Once we see that you have set-up your MyEnergyHub Account and entered a valid email address, phone number, and payment method to your account, you’ll be eligible to be entered into the giveaway.

Employees and immediate family members of ThompsonGas and ThompsonGas Companies are not eligible to enter. You do not have to be a current ThompsonGas customer to participate in the National Propane Day Giveaway. Must be 18 or older to be eligible to enter. Winners will be chosen Thursday, 10/03/2024, and contacted via email, text, or call shortly thereafter. Winners will be announced on our Facebook page Monday, 10/07/2024.  You MUST have your MyEnergyHub account set-up, valid email address, phone number, and payment method entered on file before the prize drawings on Thursday, 10/03/2024 in order to qualify for the giveaway. Customers MUST be in in good credit with ThompsonGas to be eligible. The winners of free gas for a year begins on 10/07/2024 and expires 10/07/2025, and will not exceed 500 gallons. Deliveries placed before or during this giveaway will not apply towards the free gas for the year.